Async handling

Using Suspense

Hirola allows some async handling via wasm-bindgen-futures. Consider this example:

async fn fetcher() -> Result<Users, JsValue> {
    let window = web_sys::window().unwrap();

    let mut opts = RequestInit::new();
    let url = format!("");
    let request = Request::new_with_str_and_init(&url, &opts)?;

    let resp_value = JsFuture::from(window.fetch_with_request(&request)).await?;
    let resp: Response = resp_value.dyn_into()?;
    let json = resp.json()?;
    let json = JsFuture::from(json).await?;
    let users: Users = json.into_serde().unwrap();

You can mount this future on the dom:

    {match fetcher().suspend().await {
            Loading => html! { <div>"Loading..."</div> },
            Ready(Ok(users)) => {
                html! {
                        {for user in users {
                            html! { <li>{}</li> }
            Ready(Err(err)) => html! { <div>"An error occurred: " {err.to_string()}</div> }

Using side effects

Side effects are futures that may never complete. Any future can be used as a side-effect, and is dropped when it is complete or the dom item attached to it is dropped.

let effect = async {
    loop {

html! {
    <div use:effect />